Monday, January 24, 2011

I Can't Even Believe This

So, I was only going to post once tonight but I found the most amazing video on Youtube!! I was so surprised it only has about twenty thousand views because I absolutely LOVE this!!
Here it is --->  Please, please, PLEASE watch this because I think it is so absolutely fantastically amazing...You guys think we can make that movie a reality in 11/11/11? I think so, but just watch the video. It seriously made me cry!! =)

I spent a little more time on Youtube and found yet another video, and really whole channel that absolutely inspired me. See? Youtube isn't just a place for people to try and get famous off of!! I love this channel. If you have the ability to help, I really hope you do because it's simply amazing. This is the first video I saw (which made me cry) but if you go through some of the other videos they are just...AMAZING!! INSPIRING!! FABULOUS!! Every good word you can think of is really what this whole thing is about!!

I want to  thank the vlogbrothers because I found out about these through their channels. Go check them out too but their videos don't have much to do with peace haha.

I love these videos and I really hope you take the time to watch them!!

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